Peripatetic Music Lessons
An extra-curricular opportunity for pupils is to have music lessons during school hours with one of our peripatetic Music Teachers. These lessons are paid for by you. If you are interested, please send a completed Music Lesson Enquiry Form to the School Office and we will put you in touch with the relevant Peripatetic Teacher/s.
Peripatetic Music Teachers
Mr Mark Archer: Drums & Guitar
Mr Archer is a very experienced teacher and has been a professional musician and examiner for many years. As well as being a drummer, he also plays guitar and bass and enjoys writing his own material.
Mrs Becky Moore: Piano
Mrs Moore joined us in 2022, bringing her wealth of knowledge with her. She said “My greatest satisfaction is knowing that I have passed on my love of the piano and music more widely to my pupils.”
Ms Nicky Fox: Flute, Saxophone & Clarinet
Qualification: G.Mus
Nicky studied Flute and piano at Colchester Institute to degree level. Nicky obtained her PGCE with Solihull Education Authority.
Nicky has lived and taught in Worcestershire for over 25 years.
In her spare time, Nicky enjoys walking her four dogs and taking them on holiday in the Motorhome.
Mrs Jordan-Rowell: Singing & Piano
Mrs Jordan-Rowell is our senior school Music teacher. She is now offering peripatetic singing and piano lessons to meet the demand.

Homework Club
Board Games Club
Extra-curricular activities and clubs occur during lunch breaks and after school.
While the clubs change each term here are some examples of what we have offered in the past:
Computer Club
Chess Club
Book Club
Pet Club
Parents and Carers can find out about the latest termly clubs via the School Newsletter.