Oakfield Ventures

  • Oakfield Gardens & Events

    Our vision for Oakfield Gardens is to give all of our prospective clients their dream wedding reception or event with all the stress taken out of it. For those that want a higher level of bespoke service, we offer that through our passionate team.

  • Oakfield First Aid

    Whether you work in a School, a Church or a business, or perhaps you just want to be prepared, we have the training for you.

  • Room Hire

    Dependent on availability, we are able to hire out classrooms for small bookings and events.

    For use of our tipis and for larger corporate events, please contact the Oakfield Gardens & Events Team.

    NB: Enquiries for the hire of rooms, the car park & stocks can only be processed during term time.

  • Car Park

    Our car park is sometimes available to hire to help with local events, such as Football fixtures. Bookings Monday - Saturday only.

    During term time availability of the car park is outside of School Hours.

    NB: Enquiries for the hire of rooms, the car park & stocks can only be processed during term time.

  • Stocks/Pillory

    Whether you are arranging historical re-enactments, or just want a good photo prop, our stocks are available for hire.

    NB: Enquiries for the hire of rooms, the car park & stocks can only be processed during term time.

Oakfield Gardens and Events: Sophie & Mikey

From start to finish we enjoyed every part of planning our wedding at and with Oakfield gardens, the team could not have done anymore to make our day magical.

First Aid Training: RW

“Plenty of opportunity for shared experiences and other discussion – all positively encouraged”