Forest School

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling!
This is definitely our experience at The River School!
The extensive grounds at The River School, including woodland, orchards, pond and open fields, are the setting for our Forest School. The sessions, which all ages participate in throughout the school year, mainly take place in the Dell, a sheltered wooded area, and are led by a fully qualified Forest School leader. We enter a different time-zone in Forest School. There is time and space to see, hear and talk about nature. Forest School allows pupils to grow, learn, and discover their abilities at their own pace.
The River School offers Forest School sessions within its extensive grounds for children aged 2 to 11, providing a learning environment where they can explore nature at their own pace.

Forest School uses the natural environment, through open enquiry and exploration, to teach the pupils and foster in them a respect and understanding for God’s creation around them. The sessions are mainly child-led, the pupils choosing and suggesting activities. This is a powerful tool in raising their confidence and self-esteem and improving their motivation and concentration. Activities include: den-building, fire-lighting, cooking, climbing and sliding down the bank, using the swing, whittling, making bows and arrows, bug hunting, making bird feeders, identifying plants and birds. If you come to visit, look out for our friend the Robin!
Forest School: 2021