Recent Inspection
We are pleased to share our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report with you following a full school inspection in January 2024.
We met all the standards and there were a number of very positive comments shared by the inspectors. Highlights included:
Pupils of all ages behave extremely well in and out of lessons
Pupils of all ages make good progress in relation to their starting points
At GCSE pupils make good progress and attain results above or in line with expectations
Teaching throughout the school is well-planned and teachers set ambitious but realistic expectations for pupils
Teachers know their pupils well
In the Early Years, leaders know the children’s needs well. As a result, children are happy, confident and successful in their learning
There is a strong sense of community in the school and pupils are proud to be a member of such a close-knit school
At each stage in the school, leaders help pupils to prepare for their next phase in their education
In the very positive parental survey, 98% said their children were happy at school
Past Inspection
The school was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in February 2020 and the highly positive report is available to read below. Highlights included:
Pupils have a strong moral understanding as shown by their excellent behaviour, empathy for others and commitment to treating the environment responsibly and respectfully;
All groups of pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well and make good progress relative to their starting points;
Pupils’ spiritual understanding and appreciation of the non-material aspects of life are excellent;
Pupils have positive attitudes to learning, demonstrating determination and great resilience; they also demonstrate excellent motivation, due to the encouragement provided by staff;
Pupils’ communication skills are excellent and are developed from an early age;
Pupils are very willing to participate in lessons due to the encouragement and support provided by teachers and the ‘have a go’ attitude instilled in all pupils from the day they join the school;
Pupils demonstrate very effective collaborative team-working skills;
Pupils have excellent self-esteem and self-confidence, greeting visitors with politeness and courtesy and confidently showing pride in their work; their self-esteem is developed through the staff’s highly effective use of encouragement and praise;
Pupils are supported well by small class sizes and the high aspirations of staff who know them individually very well.