STIKINS Name Labels
When you buy your name labels from STIKINS and use our unique code 36366, we get 30% commission.
STIKINS labels are available for everyone, not just for school aged children.
If you would like to give a one off donation, or regularly support the school financially, please contact our Bursar.
If you are a UK taxpayer you can also Gift Aid, just make sure you complete the relevant form below and send it to us.
Charity Number: 1171394
Perhaps you run your own business and can help with careers interviews, or offer work experience. Do you build kitchens and want to help give ours an upgrade? If you have a skill or opportunity you would like to share, please get in touch.
These are some of the dream projects we are hoping to achieve in the next few years. If you are interested in sponsoring one of these, or providing a substantial donation towards one of the projects, please get in touch.
Sports Hall Renovation
The Sports Hall at the School has been the hub of assemblies, productions and sports since we opened 1985.
The building is now tired and needs significant renovation. This work will be in the six figure mark.
Can you help bring it a new lease of life?
Kitchen Renovation
Pupils from Primary all the way up to Year 11 use the Kitchen, it is well loved and we think it would benefit from a spruce up and a whole new fit.